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The Princess Margaret launches the limited-edition Cottage Lottery today

The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation launched its Princess Margaret Cottage Lottery today, a Limited-Edition fundraiser featuring over 10,000 summer themed prizes including 3 incredible Grand Prize Cottages.

The 3 Incredible Grand Prizes include:

• $2.2 Million Haliburton Grand Prize: $2.1 Million Haliburton Lakefront Cottage + $100,000 CASH
• $2.1 Million Muskoka Grand Prize: $2 Million Muskoka Lakefront Cottage + $100,000 CASH
• $2.1 Million Kawartha Grand Prize: $2 Million Kawartha Lakefront Cottage + $100,000 CASH

Other big prizes include 3 VIP Prizes (2022 Ford Bronco Wildtrak Or $75,000 CASH), a luxury 2022 Airstream Atlas Touring Coach Or $300,000 CASH Early Bird Prize, plus exciting convertibles and sports vehicles, watercrafts and other outdoor toys, vacations and so much more!

The Princess Margaret Cottage Lottery also includes two exciting add-on games: a 50/50 Add-On with a minimum payout of $500,000 and a 30 Days of Vacays featuring thirty exclusive “bucket list” vacations to the world’s most desirable locations.

“Every time someone in Ontario purchases a lottery ticket, they are fueling critical advancements in cancer research and helping to deliver best-in-class clinical care to patients needing lifesaving treatments. In essence, you are helping to create the future of cancer care for patients at The Princess Margaret, across Canada and around the world” commented Ramona Oss, Vice President, Marketing, Communications and Lottery, The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation.

Visit PrincessMargaretLotto.com for complete prize information including photo galleries and videos of the prizes and to order one of the limited number of tickets available.

About Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre has achieved an international reputation as a global leader in the fight against cancer and delivering Personalized Cancer Medicine. The Princess Margaret, one of the top 5 cancer research centres in the world, is a member of the University Health Network, which also includes Toronto General and Toronto Western Hospitals, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute and The Michener Institute for Education at UHN. University Health Network is Canada’s largest research hospital fully affiliated with the University of Toronto. www.theprincessmargaret.ca

About The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation
The PMCF is one of the world’s leading cancer charities. Its mission is to enable future care now by raising funds that accelerate cancer research, education, and clinical care benefitting patients at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, across Canada and around the world. www.thepmcf.ca

Media Contact: Ramona Oss | Vice President, Marketing, Communications and Lottery | The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation P: 416.994.5859 E: ramona.oss@thepmcf.ca

Together, we can Conquer Cancer In Our Lifetime

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