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Your support will accelerate world-class cancer research and personalized cancer care for patients like Atoosa.

Atoosa was an active and healthy 26-year-old. Then, out of nowhere, she was struck with a sharp abdominal pain that led her to fall to the ground clutching her stomach. It got so bad that she could barely walk and went straight to the Emergency department at her local hospital.

After being sent home, Atoosa knew in her heart that something was wrong. For two months she had multiple infections and finally received a colonoscopy during which her doctors identified a tumour. After surgery and a biopsy, Atoosa received the devasting news. She had stage 2 colorectal cancer.

In a moment of her greatest need, Atoosa requested a referral to The Princess Margaret, where she was under the care of Dr. Elimova and Dr. Panov. “I remember Dr. Elimova telling me they would do everything they could to figure it out, that is what I needed, someone who was going to give it their all.”

The Princess Margaret did give it their all. After six months in treatment and 12 rounds of aggressive chemotherapy, Atoosa achieved remission and is feeling great. “I know I wouldn’t be here without The Princess Margaret … or donors like you.”

Support from donors like you, help transform the cancer experience for patients. Your gift will accelerate cancer research, treatment, and personalized cancer care for patients like Atoosa.

Together, we can Conquer Cancer In Our Lifetime.

After becoming a patient, Atoosa realized the importance of cancer research and care.

Help us deliver world-leading cancer care.

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